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Most companies have a well-considered and strong mission statement that’s used throughout their operations to drive business in the right direction. These businesses also have a good content-marketing strategy so they can draw customers in, make sales and build positive branding. However, to achieve the greatest amount of success, these two areas need to be meshed together.

In many scenarios, content marketing strategies are separated in silos and cannot interact with other business operations. This often happens because advertising is looked at as an external platform and not, therefore, part of a firm’s culture and internal values. However, the best marketing occurs when businesses are able to clearly communicate their ethos, branding and mission to consumers. As such, these two areas need to gel firmly if the best success is to be seen.

One of the first steps to help missions and content marketing work alongside each other is to ensure brand consistency. Every platform should provide customers with the same message, regardless of how, where and when consumers are getting the information. Even for those displaying a logo on their content or developing a personal brand need to be sure that nothing deviates from their main persona. Consumers must have the same ‘feel’ whenever they come across a brand, so consistency is key.

Another way to ensure that content strategies and missions align is to actually draw topics from objectives and use these to build a campaign. For example, a firm who aims to reduce their carbon emissions should make their customers aware of this through content marketing. It’s also worthwhile to announce any efforts being made in this area. For example, if reducing emissions is part of your key agenda, participating in green initiatives and similar schemes all work as positive branding. Meeting attendances, speaking at a summit or creating a new environment campaign could then be applied to create new content to engage with like-minded consumers.

Businesses must also keep the demographics of their audience, and the tone of their content, in mind at all times. It is here where objectives and missions once again come into play, helping companies decide how they want to come across to consumers. If a mission is to improve communication with people, then a conversational tone should be preferred. There should also be many opportunities for consumers to engage with content.

Writing out mission statements and setting strong objectives is often one of the first tasks undertaken by businesses. Therefore, it’s important to use these for other operations too. Content marketing strategies should include these messages and help back up a firm’s branding, and shouldn’t only be used to push products and services. In the modern age, consumers want to buy into an entire firm, not just individual items, so it’s important for firms to show their values to their audience.

Luckily, meshing mission statements and content strategies together is relatively easy. It only takes a small number of changes to strategy development to ensure that marketing aligns with core values and benefits a brand’s reputation and visibility.